Born in Canada, Susan has lived in CT, USA for most of her life. Her art studio is located in Metro Art Studios, Bridgeport, CT. She has been married for 36 years to her husband, Liam and has two adult children, Cian and Aine. Her passions are family, art and travel.
Over the past 45 years, Susan has explored and worked in a variety of art-related fields - photography, printing, graphic design, computer illustration, set design, and decorative painting. As a self taught artist, Susan learned each field by diving in and immersing herself into each medium, mastering each successfully.
Since 2013, Susan’s exploration in the world of abstract fine art has been a combination of all the work she has done in the past. Light, movement and color play a huge part in all of her work. Being able to see an image in many different ways and different light is what makes her work stand out. Sometimes it is bright and expressive. Sometimes it is soft and subtle. Whether it is on canvas, hardboard or glass, the only constant is that is always different.